Fluidized Catalytic Cracking-Catalyst fines from flue gas / vent gas

A breakthrough in the field of FCC Flue Gas Cleaning - one of the world’s leading refiners installed Royal Dahlman’s Full Flow (Full Barrier) FCC Flue Gas Filter, replacing a malfunctioning Electrostatic Precipitator. Catalyst fines emissions are now reduced far below 10 mg/Nm3, on a continuous basis, without interruption and without change-out of filter elements in between two turnarounds.”

This newly developed advanced FCC catalyst filtration system perfectly shows where Royal Dahlman differentiates from other companies:

  • Innovation based on decades of experience in Refining and know-how of challenging catalyst filtration processes,
  • Guaranteed low emissions,
  • Guaranteed system integrity.

Upstream & Downstream of the Waste Heat Boiler (WHB), Royal Dahlman offers proprietary Flue Gas Filtration Solutions for (R)Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) plants, suitable for filtration of high and low temperature FCC Flue Gas:

  • Full Flow (Full Barrier) FCC Flue Gas filters
  • Fourth Stage Separators/ Underflow Filters
  • Catalyst Hopper Vent Gas Filters